Rice University
The Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at Rice

EEB Degree Requirements Advising Contacts Teaching Lab Undergraduate Research EEB Undergraduate Publications BS Research Application Distinction in Research and Creative Work Award

EEB Major Tracks

These tracks within the Ecology and Evolutionary Biology majors serve to guide students in their choice of courses such that they are well prepared for further study or careers in different areas within ecology and evolutionary biology. The tracks are also intended to make students aware of relevant courses that may be available in other departments. No additional designation will appear on the diploma and students do not have to complete a track if they choose to design their own individualized course of study.

Conservation Biology / Environmental Biology Track

This track is appropriate for students interested in gaining in-depth training in the areas of Conservation Biology and Environmental Biology. For such students, useful courses include::


EEB lecture courses


EEB lab courses


Non-EEB courses


Evolutionary Biology Track

Students considering graduate work in evolutionary biology will typically need a full year of physics and a full year of chemistry, and sometimes organic chemistry or biochemistry. Statistics and computer skills are desirable. Other useful courses include:

EEB lecture courses:


EEB labs:


Other lecture courses:

Human Biology Track

This track is targeted towards students with an interest in human biology, including but not limited to those with an interest in the health professions (e.g. medicine, veterinary medicine, nursing).


EEB lecture courses:


EEB labs:


Non-EEB courses:

Evolutionary Genetics and Genomics Track

The Evolutionary Genetics and Genomics (EGG) Track is designed to train students to apply a genomic toolkit of concepts, skills and techniques, including computational analyses and molecular lab techniques, with an emphasis on evolutionary biology. In addition to the pattern-oriented and applied perspectives adopted in many bioinformatics programs, students who pursue the EGG Track will understand the processes leading to the evolution of genomic sequences (e.g. the relative roles of selection and genetic drift), and their relationship to important scientific problems in evolutionary biology.

The track consists of a set of core courses, plus a list of suggested courses from which students can choose.

Core EGG EEB lecture courses:


Quantitative/Computational focus:

This set of courses is meant as a course selection guide for students who are interested primarily in the applications of computational biology in evolutionary research.


Molecular Genetics focus:

This set of courses is meant as a guide for students who are interested primarily in the molecular genetic and genomic techniques conducted in evolutionary research laboratories.



Students are advised to take at least one intro lab course covering organisms and/or biological diversity (EBIO), one introductory molecular biology lab (BIOC), and one introductory lab in computational biology, computer science, statistics or applied mathematics (EBIO, COMP, STA, MATH, CAAM). EBIO 333L is strongly recommended as an advanced lab.


EEB lab courses:


Non-EEB lab courses in Biology:

We suggest Lab Modules in Molecular Biology I and II or Lab in Cell and Developmental Biology


Non-EEB lab courses in computation, mathematics and statistics: