Rice University
The Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at Rice
Undergraduate Degree Requirements Major Tracks Advising Contacts Teaching Lab Undergraduate Publications BS Research Application Distinction in Research and Creative Work Award Distinction in Research Application
Undergraduate Research

Ecology and Evolutionary Biology program offers unique opportunities for undergraduates to conduct research in EEB laboratories, and many undergraduates publish work in top journals. Among the many opportunities to conduct undergraduate research include: conservation issues in tropical rainforests; climate change and its influence on natural communities; evolutionary dynamics of genes and genomes in populations and species; mutualistic and negative plant-animal interactions in both natural and managed ecosystems; exotic plant and animal invasions into Texas ecosystems; and supervised research projects at the Houston Zoo or zoo affiliates (e.g., Steven F. Austin State Park).

Research opportunities for undergraduates are available in most of the program’s labs. Visit the various lab web sites for more information on what type of research is currently being done in each lab to see what interests you.

Research for course credit

EBIO 306 - Independent Study for Undergraduates

Variable Credits Fall & Spring
Program of independent study for students with previous training in the biosciences. Includes a research paper. Students are expected to spend at least three hours per week in the laboratory for each semester hour of credit. If taken for two or more hours, counts as one required lab course but not as a Group A or Group B course. If receiving two or more credits, students will be required to participate in the university annual undergraduate symposium in the spring semesters. Biosciences Group B.
Instructor permission required

Prereq - BIOS 213 or EBIO 213.

You can even have a research project at the Houston Zoo. Look here for information.

EBIO 403/404 - Undergraduate Honors Research in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Credits 5.00 Fall & Spring
Only open to undergraduate majors who meet specific requirements and with permission of the research supervisor and chair.  Registration for BIOS 403/404 implies a commitment to participate in research for at least 2 semesters.

Department permission required

Students must obtain the Special Request for Registration Form and the signature of the supervising faculty member in order to register for this course

Publishing Your Research

The Ecology & Evolutionary Biology has a history of publishing articles with undergraduates as co- and first-authors in peer reviewed journals.

Recent publications with undergraduate authors*

In addition here are links to journals dedicated to publishing undergraduate research.