Rice University
The Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at Rice
Bioscience Degrees EEB Major TracksUndergraduate Degree Requirements Graduate Degree Requirements Teaching Lab Undergraduate Research Facilities

EBIO 116 - Freshman Seminar on Local Biology Research

Credits 1

A 5-week seminar course to introduce freshmen prospective biologists to the excitement of research at Rice and the Medical Center and to provide context with which to think about facts presented in biosciences textbooks. Small groups will meet weekly with a graduate student or postdoctoral researcher to explore a published research article by a local lab, gaining background information about the subject and exposure to the research techniques. In the final session, the group will tour the lab that produced the featured article. Additional tours and activities TBA. All first-year, non-transfer students are eligible to enroll in EBIO 116/FSEM 116 (formerly BIOS 116) regardless of AP credit.

This course meets in the first half of the semester and features research in the Department of Ecology and Environmental Biology. Cross-list: FSEM 116.

EBIO 124 - Introduction to Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Credits 3

This course provides a short introduction to the science of ecology and evolutionary biology. The topics covered include the mechanisms of evolution, the origin of species, the history of life on earth, biodiversity, animal behavior, population and community ecology, ecosystems, and conservation biology.

EBIO 179 - Introduction to Aquatic Ecology with Scuba

Cross-listed Course: ENST 179, LPRC 179.

Credits 3

Students will learn the fundamentals of coastal and reef ecosystems, be introduced to underwater fieldwork and become PADI certified in the basics of SCUBA. An additional course fee that ranges from $425 to $725, depending on the equipment needs of the student, is associated with the class.

EBIO 202 - Introductory Biology II

Credits 3 Spring

The second in a series of two introductory biology courses (BIOC 201, EBIO 202). This course examines the diversity of life, comparative animal physiology, evolution, ecology, and conservation. An emphasis is placed on evolution as a central framework necessary for a complete understanding of modern biology. Group discussions allow students to explore topics in more detail and discover how they are relevant to our everyday lives.

Prereq - BIOS 201 or BIOC 201

EBIO 204 - Environmental Sustainability
The Design & Practice of Community Agriculture

Cross-listed Course: ENST 204

Credits 1 Fall & Spring

The course introduces the fundamentals of community garden design and practice. Responsibilities will center on developing and improving the Rice Community Garden. The semester will begin with a short series of lectures by successful growers from the Houston community. A strong emphasis will be on learning and applying ecological principles to the practice of community agriculture.

Class has required meetings outside of regular class time.

EBIO 213 - Introductory Lab Module in Ecology & Evolutionary Biology

Credits 2 Fall & Spring

Experimental, laboratory, and field studies of natural history, ecology, evolution, and animal behavior. Course will begin after mid-term recess in the Spring semester. The class meets twice a week: a lecture on Mondays introduces the week’s topic; students then attend one of three afternoon lab sections that provide practical experience in the fundamentals of natural history, data collection and analysis, and communication of results.

Class has required meetings outside of regular class time.

EBIO 215 - Bios Lab Teaching

Credits 2

Undergraduate teaching in a biosciences laboratory. Participate in meetings and selected seminars; supervise students in one or more laboratory sections. Provide group and individual instruction to undergraduates during and outside of laboratory classes.

Instructor permission required

EBIO 261 - Discussion Section Teaching

Credits 1

In this course, undergraduates who have previously excelled in EBIO courses will develop teaching skills by leading discussion sections for the benefit of students presently taking EBIO courses under the guidance of the professor teaching the course.

Instructor permission required

EBIO 270 - Ecosystem Management

Credits 3

This course will focus on applied ecosystem topics including relations with state and federal agencies, field studies, wetland delineations, permitting compliance, and environmental regulations. Graduate/Undergraduate Equivalency: EBIO 570

EBIO 306 - Independent Study for EEB Undergraduates

Variable Credits Fall & Spring

Program of independent study for students with previous training in the biosciences. Includes a research paper. Students are expected to spend at least three hours per week in the laboratory for each semester hour of credit. If receiving two or more credits, students will be required to participate in the university annual undergraduate symposium in the spring semesters.

Instructor permission required

Prereq - BIOS 213 or EBIO 213

You can even have a research project at the Houston Zoo. Look here for information.

EBIO 316 - Lab Module in Ecology

Credits 1 Fall

Field and lab experiments in ecology.

Follow the EBIO316 Hydra Blog

Class has required meetings outside of regular class time.

Prereq - BIOS 323 or EBIO 323, or BIOS 325 or EBIO 325

EBIO 317 - Lab Module in Behavior

Credits 1

Field experiments in behavior. Learn to formulate and test hypotheses on bird behavior using mockingbirds, grackles, and herons nesting on campus.

Class has required meetings outside of regular class time.

Prereq: (BIOS 213 or EBIO 213) and (BIOS 321 or EBIO 321)and Department permission required.

EBIO 319 - Tropical Field Biology

Credits 1.00 Summer

Examine first-hand the two most diverse ecosystems on earth - the coral reef and the tropical rainforest in this 2-week summer course in the Central American country of Belize. Topics will include the diversity of tropical organisms and habitats, the formation of coral reefs, rainforest ecology, historical biogeography, symbiosis, and conservation of tropical biodiversity. While a background in biology is desirable, individuals lacking this background but having a special interest in the tropics are encouraged to enroll. Students will be responsible for their own transportation and accommodation cost ($2,500).

Instructor permission required

2014 application Deadline Monday, February 10 at 5pm

Read Blogs from past classes in Belize

Watch the video from Summer 2014

EBIO 321 - Animal Behavior

Credits 3
Group B

Evolutionary theory is used to evaluate behavioral adaptations of organisms to their environment.

Prereq- BIOS 201 and BIOS 202

EBIO 323 - Conservation Biology

Cross-listed Course: ENST 323

Credits 3
Group B

The course is designed to give students a broad overview of conservation biology. Lectures and discussions will focus on conservation issues such as biodiversity, extinction, management, sustained yield, invasive species and preserve design.

Prereq – BIOS 201 OR BIOC 201 and BIOS 202 OR EBIO 202

EBIO 325 - Ecology

Credits 3
Group B

Study of population dynamics, species interactions, plant and animal community organization, and ecosystem function.

Prereq- BIOS 201 OR BIOC 201 and BIOS 202 OR EBIO 202 or permission of instructor.

EBIO 326 - Insect Biology

Credits 3.00 Fall
Group B

This course addresses contemporary issues in ecology and evolution through the lens of insect diversity. Readings span a broad literature (popular to technical). Writing and oral reports develop proficiency in scientific communication.

EBIO 327 - Biological Diversity Lab

Credits 1.00 Fall and Spring

This laboratory course in field ecology focuses on the theory and practice of estimating biodiversity. The goals are to acquaint students with basic techniques for field sampling and quantifying biodiversity as well as some aspects of the natural history of south and east Texas. These will be accomplished through four field trips during the first half of the semester and an independent research project to be completed by the end of the semester.

Class has required meetings outside of regular class time.

Prereq –BIOS 201 OR BIOC 201 and BIOS 202 OR EBIO 202 and BIOS 213 or EBIO 213

EBIO 328 - Evolution of Genes & Genomes

Credits 3
Group B

The course provides an overview of the evolution of genes and genomes. Using many examples, the course introduces databases and the Worldwide Web, and molecular and statistical methods used to study the evolution of genes and genomes. Broad-scale evolutionary patterns and medical applications based on genome analyses are presented.

Prereq – BIOS 201 OR BIOC 201 and BIOS 202 OR EBIO 202

EBIO 329 - Animal Biology And Physiology

Credits 3
Group B

The evolution and systematics of the animal kingdom with consideration of functional anatomy, comparative physiology, behavior, medical implications and resource management.

Prereq - BIOS 201 OR BIOC 201 and BIOS 202 OR EBIO 202 or permission of instructor.

EBIO 330 - Insect Biology Lab

Credits 1

Lab associated with EBIO 326 (formerly BIOS 326). Laboratory and field exercises provide hands-on experience with collection and curation of insect specimens and explore local ecosystems, both natural and managed. By the end of the course, you will have gained a repertoire of skills necessary to recognize common insects and understand their unique adaptations.

Class has required meetings outside of regular class time.

Prereq - BIOS 201 OR BIOC 201 and BIOS 202 OR EBIO 202 or permission of instructor

Corequisite - EBIO 326

EBIO 331 - Biology of Infectious Diseases

Cross-listed Course: BIOC 331

Credits 3
Group B

This course gives a broad overview of the biology of infectious diseases using examples from humans, plants, and animals. Topics include diversity of diseases, mechanisms of disease transmission, epidemiology, population regulation, evolution of virulence, disease dynamics in natural communities and disease invasion and conservation biology.

Prereq - BIOS 213 OR EBIO213 and EBIO 334 or BIOC 334 or permission of the instructor

EBIO 332 - Evolution of Genes & Genomes Lab

Credits 1

The laboratory course is designed to demonstrate concepts and approaches introduced in the lecture course EBIO 328. The text book remains the same, but the course will heavily rely on the computational exercises provided in the text (called Weblems). Students will be shown how to conduct analysis of sequence data, search databases, literature, and how to synthesize such data. Students will conduct their own projects, some suggested by the text, some by the instructor, some perhaps ideas of their own. Students present and defend their results in writing and in form of presentations and posters. The course would be useful for graduate student education, with added requirements for graduate students.

Prereq – EBIO 328

EBIO 333 - Evolutionary Bioinformatics

Cross-listed Course: Comp 370

Credits 3
Group B

Large accessible data sets have opened new frontiers in evolutionary biology, and many fields. Learn to write computer programs to test hypotheses and discover patterns in diverse data. Understand the most common strategies in evolutionary bioinformatics, including dynamic programming, hidden Markov models, and graphical algorithms. No previous programming experience required.

Recommended Prerequisite(s) MATH 101 and MATH 102

EBIO 334 - Evolution

Cross-listed Course: BIOC 334

Credits 3

Principles of biological evolution. Topics include natural selection, adaptation, molecular evolution, formation of new species, the fossil record, biogeography, and principles of classification.

Prereq - BIOS 202 or EBIO 202 or permission of instructor.

EBIO 335 Evolutionary Bioinformatics Lab

Credits 1

Interactive computer lab session to support EBIO 333, focused on developing Python programming skills. Students must enroll in EBIO 333

Click here to get the approval form to register for EBIO 335

EBIO 336 - Plant Diversity

Credits 3
Group B

The evolution and systematics of plants, with emphasis on flowering plants and biodiversity.

Prereq - BIOS 202 or EBIO 202

EBIO 337 - Field Bird Biology Lab

Credits 1

This course centers on a series of five field trips to diverse habitats for observing birds both immigrants and residents. Each will be preceded by a lecture and students will do two projects. Class has required meetings outside of regular class time.

Department permission required

EBIO 338 - Design and Analysis of Biological Experiments

Credits 3

This course addresses methods to set up biological experiments that maximize the ability to draw meaningful conclusions. Designed (factorial, nested, split plot, repeated measures) and undesigned experiments (regression, correlation) will be considered, as well as analysis and interpretation of the data. Actual data sets from several areas of biology will be used for homework, demos, and projects. The student should have some previous exposure to statistics.

EBIO 340 - Global Biogeochemical Cycles

Cross-listed Courses: ENST 340 and ESCI 340

Credits 3
Group B

This course introduces students to the coupled nature of the biosphere, atmosphere and hydrosphere using as focal points elemental cycles such as those of carbon and nitrogen. This is a writing-intensive class, and will include 3 required Saturday field trips.

Instructor: Carrie Masiello

Department permission required

EBIO 372 - Coral Reef Ecosystems

Credits 3

This lecture course introduces students to a complex, dynamic and sensitive ecosystem: coral reefs. We will explore the biotic and abiotic components of coral reefs; how reef organisms interact with each other and the environment, and the factors that contribute to reef construction and decline over time and space.

Prereq - BIOS 202 or EBIO 202

EBIO 372 blog

EBIO 403/404 - Undergraduate Honors Research in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Credits 5

Only open to undergraduate majors who meet specific requirements and with permission of the research supervisor and chair. Registration for BIOS 403/404 implies a commitment to participate in research for at least 2 semesters.

Department permission required

Students must obtain the Special Request for Registration Form and the signature of the supervising faculty member in order to register for this course

EBIO 412 - Scientific Communication

Credits 2

Intended primarily for seniors majoring in the biological sciences, this course will focus on improving students’ written and oral communication skills. Emphasis will be placed on communication of scientific topics for audiences ranging from experts to the general public through weekly assignments.

Instructor permission required

EBIO 432 - Advanced Evolutionary Biology

Credits 3

Develop a critical understanding of evolutionary theory through lectures and discussion across a wide range of evolutionary topics. With the instructor's help, students will use current papers to stimulate debate the theories, philosophies and methods of the study of evolution.

Instructor permission required

Prereq - (BIOS 201 or BIOC 201) and (BIOS 202 or EBIO 202) and (Bios 334 or EBIO 334)

EBIO 433 - Advanced Ecology

Credits 3
Group B

Students will develop a critical understanding of the discipline of ecology through a combination of lectures and discussion that span a range of topics. With the instructor's help, students will use current papers to stimulate debate on the theories, philosophies and methods of the study of populations, communities, and ecosystems.

Instructor permission required

Prereq – (BIOS 201 or BIOC 201) and (BIOS 202 or EBIO 202) and (BIOS 325 or EBIO 325)

EBIO 520 - Student Seminar in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Credits 1

Student-led presentations of work in progress, research ideas, and topics of research interest. Designed to enhance oral presentation skills and facilitate discussion of research ideas. Open to upper-level undergraduates and graduate students.

Recommended Prerequisite(s): Graduate Status or current enrollment in EBIO 403

EBIO 541 - Special Topics in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Credits 1

Review and discussion of the literature on current research in ecology and evolutionary biology

EBIO 542 - Special Topics in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Credits 1

Review and discussion of the literature on current research in ecology and evolutionary biology

EBIO 561 - Topics in Evolution

Credits 3

Review and discussion of the literature on current research in evolution.

Prereq- Graduate status

EBIO 562 - Topics in Behavioral Biology

Credits 3

Review and discussion of the literature on current research in animal behavior and evolution.

Prereq - Graduate status

EBIO 563 - Topics in Ecology

Credits 3

Review and discussion of the literature on current research in ecology.

Prereq - Graduate status

EBIO 568 - Topics in Biological Diversity

Credits 3

Review and discussion of literature on current research in biological diversity.

Prereq - Graduate status

EBIO 569 - Core Course in Ecology and Evolution

Credits 3

Survey of topics in ecology and evolution taught by all Ecology and Evolutionary Biology faculty.

Prereq - Graduate status

EBIO 570 - Ecosystem Management

Credits 3

This course will focus on applied ecosystem topics including relations with state and federal agencies, field studies, wetland delineations, permitting compliance, and environmental regulations. Graduate/Undergraduate Equivalency: EBIO 270

EBIO 585 - Graduate Seminar in Ecology & Evolutionary Biology

Credits 1

Faculty and student presentations on current research. Required of all Ecology and Evolutionary Biology graduate students.

Prereq - Graduate status

EBIO 586 - Graduate Seminar in Ecology & Evolutionary Biology

Credits 1

Faculty and student presentations on current research. Required of all Ecology and Evolutionary Biology graduate students.

Prereq - Graduate status

EBIO 591 - Graduate Teaching

Credits 3

Supervised instruction in teaching Ecology & Evolutionary Biology.

Prereq- graduate status in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

EBIO 801 - Ecology & Evolutionary Biology Graduate Research

Variable Credits Fall & Spring

Prereq - Graduate status

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